1- Al Zahra University, Tehran. , e.panjehbashi@alzahra.ac.ir 2- Al Zahra University, Tehran.
Abstract: (5935 Views)
Manichaean paintings are designed and illustrated to show Manichaean religious teachings. Almost all the works of Manichaeism including mural paintings, paper paintings, flag paintings, and scroll paintings, are the same in concept and structure, and seek to depict the supreme goal of this religion, which is the reaching of the human soul to a bright heaven and ultimately salvation. Manichaean artist resorted to human forms to show this goal and drew what the learned by the characters and then implemented them with a special drawing principles and composition that he had in mind for almost all the paintings. In fact, characters played an essential role in showing the content and forming the structure of paintings to the extent that other elements are very faint and sometimes not present at all in Manichaean paintings. The purpose of this research is to investigate the theme and to understand the Manichaean artist’s arrangements in creating the structure of paintings. Based on this, the main question of the research is, what are the themes of the Manichaean paintings and what is the relationship between the structure and the theme? The research method in this research is descriptive- analytical, using library resources and examining existing samples. The method of analyzing the works is based on the examination of the visual principles and rules used in the appearance characteristics of the four Manichaean images.
panjehbashi E, mohammadjani divkolaei Z. Studying the raito of structure and theme in Manichaean paintings (case examples of two flags and two papier-maches). CHS 2023; 15 (57) URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1641-en.html
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