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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (Cultural History Studies 2021) ::
CHS 2021, 12(47): 131-160 Back to browse issues page
Covid 19 and the Problems of Theoretical Philosophy of History, New Encounter with the Old Problems
Alireza Mollaiy Tavany *
Professor at The Research Center of Human Sciences and cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran , mollaiynet@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3710 Views)
Covid 19 and the Problems of Theoretical Philosophy of History, New Encounter with the Old Problems
Theoretical philosophy of history is one of the interdisciplinary sciences that is formed from the connection of various disciplines of history including philosophy and theology. The subject of this knowledge is historical existence as a single body and a living organism. Unlike the science of history, which studies small, partial, unrepeatable, and unique events, the theoretical philosophy of history looks at the totality of history and tries to understand the nature, origin, destination, purpose and meaning of history with a macro perspective. This subject tries to analyze and evaluate what history is, the motive force of history, the factors that stop and accelerate the movement of history and how it passes from one stage to the next. Coronary heart disease is not a common occurrence, because of the horrors, anxieties and psychological and physical effects that it has caused to human beings, as well as the pervasive crises it has created in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres around the world. Rather, it is among the events that can affect the totality of historical existence and even change the direction of the history of the world. As a result, it has provoked many actions and reactions among the people of the world and has made many scientists and experts in various fields have begun to research the topic. Here, the question may arise that how will the Corona crisis affect the field of study and topics in the theoretical philosophy of history? According to the author, in this crisis, new challenges and issues in the theoretical philosophy of history are formed, including the end of history, the theory of divine providence, the theory of accident, the theory of miracles, theories of the apocalypse, death and life of civilization. Has created and revived biological theories in history? From the point of view of the philosophy of history, this article tries to show some of its dimensions and layers.
            Keywords: Corona, end of history, biological theories, accident, divine providence, death of civilizations, the motive of history.
Article number: 3
Keywords:             Corona, end of history, biological theories, accident, divine providence, death of civilizations, the motive of history.
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review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/10/26 | Accepted: 2021/05/31 | Published: 2021/05/31
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Mollaiy Tavany A. Covid 19 and the Problems of Theoretical Philosophy of History, New Encounter with the Old Problems. CHS 2021; 12 (47) : 3
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1385-en.html

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