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:: Volume 7, Issue 27 (Cultural History Studies 2016) ::
CHS 2016, 7(27): 25-43 Back to browse issues page
Magi in Achaemenid Era according to Classic Texts and Persepolis Fortification Tablets
Farahnaz Hosseini Sarabi * 1, Roozbeh ZarrinKoob
1- , farahnaz.hoseini@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7167 Views)

Magi had performed the worship rituals in courts of kings; no sacrifice could be offered without a Magi, because Magi were the only way for relationship with gods. The issue of the present article is the studying of sacrifice ceremony and ritual during Achaemenid period and its impact on the enhancement of their power and influence during Ancient Iran. Therefore, the aim of this research is to answer this question based on comparative study according to classic texts and Persepolis fortification tablets that what was the Magi’s role especially in sacrifice ceremony and ritual during the Achaemenid period? The findings of this research shows that as Achaemenid kings had risen to power, the ceremony and ritual of sacrifice had held more glorious and therefore more quota and present had allocated to them. This issue resulted in the power for Magi, stabilization of their position and influence in Achaemenid state, formation of various ranks and also the raised of power in religious rank in religion and state of ancient Iran.

Keywords: Achaemenids, Magi, Religion in Ancient Iran, Sacrifice Rituals and Ceremonies.
Full-Text [PDF 326 kb]   (4306 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/11/22 | Accepted: 2016/11/22 | Published: 2016/11/22
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Hosseini Sarabi F, ZarrinKoob R. Magi in Achaemenid Era according to Classic Texts and Persepolis Fortification Tablets . CHS 2016; 7 (27) :25-43
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-708-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 27 (Cultural History Studies 2016) Back to browse issues page
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