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:: Volume 15, Issue 57 (Cultural History Studies 2023) ::
CHS 2023, 15(57): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
The mechanisms and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in replacing the themes and economic teachings of Islam instead of the economic concepts of Jahili by using the method of theme analysis.
Zahra Bakhtiari1 , Shahla Bakhtiari * 2, Hossein Raghfar1
1- Alzahra University (S)
2- Alzahra University (S) , sh.bakhtiari@alzahra.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4992 Views)
Economic issues have been among the most important issues of human life since the past and the Arab society before Islam was no exception. Despite the existence of various economic transactions in the pre-Islamic Arab society; Based on the historical evidence, the said transactions did not have the necessary economic health and provided the grounds for the development of two strata, the poor and the rich, in the society. The present research tries to achieve by using the method of thematic analysis on the shape and general logic of the Prophet's actions in the direction of changing and aligning the attitude and behavior of people and finally, the institutionalization of the economic teachings of Islam, and to this main question. Answer that how did the Prophet (PBUH) try to change people's attitude based on the Jahili system about economic issues to the Islamic attitude? Based on the research done, it seems that the Prophet after designing and replacing the most important thought foundations of Islam, such as monotheism and resurrection, which acted like strong drivers and inhibitors according to the conditions, instead of the foundations. Common ideas in Arab society at that time such as polytheism, idolatry and denial of resurrection; They tried to change, coordinate and align people's attitude and behavior with the economic attitude and behavior of Islam by planning the desired economic teachings of Islam, establishing related institutions, teaching and explaining the teachings and monitoring the good implementation.
Keywords: The Holy Prophet (PBUH), the economic attitude and behavior of Islam, the economic attitude and behavior based on the Jahili system, the method of theme analysis
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/23 | Accepted: 2024/05/14 | Published: 2024/05/19
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Bakhtiari Z, Bakhtiari S, Raghfar H. The mechanisms and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in replacing the themes and economic teachings of Islam instead of the economic concepts of Jahili by using the method of theme analysis.. CHS 2023; 15 (57)
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1591-en.html

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