1- Ph.D Student, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, iran , zahra.taheri68@yahoo.com 2- Professor of History, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, iran
Abstract: (2172 Views)
Critical Analysis of Davar’s Views on Public Culture and the National Government
Abstract The present article examines Ali Akbar Khan Davar's views on the necessity of establishing a national government and his emphasis on the formation of the national economy. The author argues that Davar was influenced by politicians such as Clemenceau from France and economic thinkers such as Frederic List from Germany. But, despite that Davar attempted to form a national government, unlike Clemenceau and other European leaders who fostered a spirit of solidarity and national dignity after World War I, his writings, consciously or unconsciously implied a sort of national humiliation. This study discusses that one of the reasons might be that he ignored the culture, national and historical identity, and the role of government in fostering a spirit of national solidarity while overemphasizing the economy. The present study, based on the Mard-e Azad ( Freeman) newspaper, shows the reasons for disregarding culture, and the consequences of this way of thinking. Keywords: Davar, National Government, National Economy, Public Culture, National Identity
تکمیل فرم تعهدنامه و امضای همه نویسندگان برای ارسال مقاله به داوری الزامی است. پس از تکمیل فرم می بایست در بخش ارسال فایل مقاله بارگذاری شود. جهت دریافت فرم این بخش را کلیک فرمایید.