According to the common viewpoint of some researchers in Hafezology field, Hafez had been engaged in jobs as the official and administrator of administrative system. A precise study of citations and the methods of inferences speak of the necessity of a review on this viewpoint. This research is going to answer to these questions that what is the basis of the viewpoint on the occupation of Hafez? Which of the viewpoints on the occupation of Hafez had more validity? It seems that the prevalence of the idea of aforementioned viewpoint is due to false inference of sources and semantics of Hafez poems and therefore this issue needs a more precise study and research. The present research will evaluate the citations and evidences of researchers in presentation of aforementioned viewpoint and tries to explain the type of Hafez linkage to the administrative system according to available evidences and documents based on descriptive-analytical method in a critical approach.
* Assistant Professor, History Department, Payame Noor University (
Received in 4 June 2016, Accepted in 25 September 2016.
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