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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (Cultural History Studies 2021) ::
CHS 2021, 12(47): 40-63 Back to browse issues page
 As Case Study about Environmental Policies and Social conflict
Abstract:   (2629 Views)
 As Case Study about Environmental Policies and Social conflict
The protection of the environment in the West was influenced by various factors including history, the formation of civil society and the development of various political and social ideas. The environmental movement as a social movement alongside the women’s movement, black movement and student movement, turned the issue of environmental protection into a social issue but also established a close relation and solidarity with various active groups. In Iran, due to the nature of the Pahlavi government as a dictatorial and quasi-modern state, environmental policies were planned not by social movements and the lower strata of society but implemented by various governmental and without considering the social and economic.
Given the structure of the Pahlavi government, this article studies how the institution for the protection of animal species and wildlife was formed and it also shows how the Pahlavi government ignored the historical ties of the people, especially nomads and villagers with the environment. The design and creation of the protected areas and the conservation of animal species by the government and not allowing people to participate caused a conflict between people and wildlife and increased the number of violations of the hunting law. After the victory of the Revolution of 1979, the people broke the protective fences and started attacking the protected areas.
Keywords: Environment, Pahlavi Government, Wildlife, Protected Areas, Public Participation
Article number: 2
Keywords: Environment, policies, Pahlavi government, hunting, wildlife, protected areas, public participation.
Full-Text [PDF 336 kb]   (540 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/10/30 | Accepted: 2021/05/31 | Published: 2021/05/31
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 As Case Study about Environmental Policies and Social conflict. CHS 2021; 12 (47) : 2
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