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:: Volume 11, Issue 42 (Cultural History Studies 2020) ::
CHS 2020, 11(42): 113-138 Back to browse issues page
جریان‌های شعوبی غیرایرانی در سده‌های نخستین اسلامی
Ghasem Gharib1 , Javad Abbasi * 2, Jalal Rajaei3
1- Ph.D Student in History of Iran after Islam, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, IRAN
2- Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, IRAN , jabbasi@um.ac.ir
3- assistant professorو Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (4063 Views)
Although the Iranian Shiite movement was a broad motion and had various dimensions, the Shu‘ubi movement in the Islamic world was not limited to Iranians. By focusing on the “Arabs” in political, social and economic affairs, the nationalist Umayyad government created the discontent of other ethnic groups living in Islamic lands. The policies of the Umayyads continued in the minds and writings of the anti-Shu‘ubi movements of the Abbasid era and reflected the reaction of the Muslim elites and non-Arab masses to this discriminatory thinking in various forms. This study seeks to find different currents of the Shu‘ubi movement among non-Arab Muslim nations, with the exception of Iranians, in the early Islamic centuries. The results of the study show that the largest and most important ethnic elite groups in the Islamic world, based on the cultural power and history of their civilization, propound their persistence and honors against the anti- Shu‘ubi contempt. The Nabataeans, the Copts, the Andalusians, the Abyssinians-Sudanese, and the Turks were the five major ethnic groups that demonstrated resistance to the superiority of Arab. Although only a handful of written heritage have left from the elites of these nations, relying on reports from historical, literary, and religious sources, it can be understood that the elites of these groups try to express their honors and theorized their reasons for superiority over Arabs.
Keywords: Shu‘ubi Movement, Nabataeans, Copts, Movaleduns, Abyssinian-Sudanese, Turks
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review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/11/22 | Accepted: 2020/01/30 | Published: 2020/01/30
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Gharib G, Abbasi J, Rajaei J. جریان‌های شعوبی غیرایرانی در سده‌های نخستین اسلامی. CHS 2020; 11 (42) :113-138
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1253-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 42 (Cultural History Studies 2020) Back to browse issues page
(فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ فرهنگی)پژوهشنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ Cultural History Studies(Pejuhesh Nameh Anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh)
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