1- PhD. Student of Islam History ,Alzahra University, Tehr , s.shakeri@alzahra.ac.ir 2- Associate Professor of History Department, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran 3- Professor of History Department, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran 4- Assistant Professor of Sociology Department, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (4012 Views)
The socio-economic vitality of the prophetic era promoted the society and created the potential to solve socio-economic problems. The main purpose of this article is to identify the factors that regenerate socio-economic vitality in the prophetic period. The paradigm or model of this research is derived from the method of Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory. Therefore, based on definition of social vitality phenomenon, this article discusses mediating factors (causal conditions), immediate factors (contextual and intermediate conditions) and its strategies and consequences during Prophetic era. Also, a comparative analysis has been performed through Qur’an, authentic historical narratives and sources by theoretical sampling and quantification based on theoretical saturation. The main hypothesis is that popular attitudes and motivations based on economic mutual assistance experienced under the rational-value management of the Prophet (PBUH) in economic domains had influenced social action based on socio-economic vitality through the distribution of popular institutions (mosques and economic assistance).
تکمیل فرم تعهدنامه و امضای همه نویسندگان برای ارسال مقاله به داوری الزامی است. پس از تکمیل فرم می بایست در بخش ارسال فایل مقاله بارگذاری شود. جهت دریافت فرم این بخش را کلیک فرمایید.