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ساعت تماس تلفنی 9 الی 18 روزهای پنج‌شنبه
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Expression of Iranian Woman in French Travel Literature from the Eve of the Qajar Period until the Constitutional Revolution based on the Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory (32115 Views)
تحلیل تاریخی مهاجرت سادات از ایران به هند در عصر صفوی (27048 Views)
Historical Rooting of “Burning” of Complete Humankind in Mystical Culture (26595 Views)
Distribution, Function and Pattern Prevailing on Structure and Ornaments of Seljuq Monuments in Barkhar Province of Isfahan (19472 Views)
آسیب شناسی تاثیر تحولات سیاسی بر محتوای کتاب های درسی تاریخ معاصر ایران (1358 - 1388)؛ با رویکردی تطبیقی به کتاب های درسی ایران پیش از انقلاب (16993 Views)
A Comparative Study of the Rituals of the Katak and Sama Mevlevieh From a Historical Point of View (13258 Views)
Entry of Potato to Iran as a Major Transition in Traditional Agriculture of Qajar Era (11836 Views)
A Study on Decorative Ornaments and Designs of Vakil Bathhouse of Shiraz (11804 Views)
Critical Review on Presentment of Ibn Muqaffa in the Nationalistic Historiography during Pahlavid Era (11414 Views)
Cultural Historical Approach and its Feasibility and Benefits in study of the Architectur of Iran (11332 Views)
Iran’s Foreign Ministry Organization during the Nasseri Period (11188 Views)
Iran – Germany Cultural Relations from Safavid Era until the End of Qajar Period Reappraisal of the Published Material and an Approach to the New Documents (10544 Views)
Studying the Social and Educational Status of la’leh during Safavid Era: Ghezelbash Emirs and Harem’s Ghulams (10475 Views)
Iranian Intellectuals before Constitutional Revolution and the Concept of Freedom (10456 Views)
Kasravi and Contemplations about Reza Shah (10389 Views)
Iranian Identity in Historiography Thought of Ibn Balkhi (10339 Views)
Focal Aspects of Iranism in the Textbooks of the First Pahlavid Era (History, Geography and Persian Literature Textbooks) (10258 Views)
The Role of East Asia Minor Iranian Local Governments in Formation of the "Revival Idea of Achaemenid Empire" by Arsacids (10168 Views)
From Eannatum, Sumerian king, to Ardashir, Persian King Curse in the Inscriptions of the Mesopotamian and Achaemenid kings (10031 Views)
The Role of Mustafa Kamil in Egypt Nationalism Movement (10004 Views)
The hazards of the preparation of Books and Issues of Teaching history Lessons during the reign of Reza shah (10002 Views)
Kasravi, from criticism of Religions to claiming of Prophethood (9971 Views)
Seljukid Portrait Drawing Continuity of Manichean Visual Art (9951 Views)
A Critical Essay on the Sources of Mani Religion, Boycott of Manichaeism in Christian Discourse and Modern Studies (9905 Views)
Representation of Racial Identity in Elementary and High Schools History Textbooks during the First Pahlavi Era (9696 Views)
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The Roots and Forms of Illustrated Spells in the Culture of Jewish Minorities and Their Reflection in Islamic Sources (52856 Downloads)
Typology of Tomb Architecture During the Parthian Period (12868 Downloads)
The Influence of Sasanian Patterns on Andalusia Textiles (10175 Downloads)
Prophet and Pagans: from the Challenge of Knowledge to the Challenge of Identity (8708 Downloads)
Evaluation of Masoudi's narrative on the Chinese portrayal of the Sasanians (8217 Downloads)
Studying the raito of structure and theme in Manichaean paintings (case examples of two flags and two papier-maches) (8214 Downloads)
The mechanisms and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in replacing the themes and economic teachings of Islam instead of the economic concepts of Jahili by using the method of theme analysis. (8197 Downloads)
Thirty Lahn, barbed, Panjah Kabak Dari, the Rāh Ruh/ Rahat al-Rawāh. (8196 Downloads)
Investigating the feasibility of Iranshahri's concept of "Ashe" on Plato's formulation of the concept of "justice" (8164 Downloads)
Bathroom and Bathing in the Culture of Iranian at Qajar Period (from the beginning of the Qajar period until Constitutional Revolution) (7223 Downloads)
Historical Role of Afshar and Bichaghchi Tribes in Formation of Pichbaf Kilim Rug in Kerman Province (4999 Downloads)
تحلیلی بر مردم نگاری جامعه ایرانی عصرصفوی به روایت سیاحان فرنگی بررسی موردی: سفرنامه پیترو دلاواله (4413 Downloads)
تحلیل تاریخی مهاجرت سادات از ایران به هند در عصر صفوی (4387 Downloads)
Magi in Achaemenid Era according to Classic Texts and Persepolis Fortification Tablets (4314 Downloads)
Expression of Iranian Woman in French Travel Literature from the Eve of the Qajar Period until the Constitutional Revolution based on the Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory (4220 Downloads)
Archaeological Excavations and Finding Antiques by European Travelers and Orientalists during Qajar Era (4192 Downloads)
The hazards of the preparation of Books and Issues of Teaching history Lessons during the reign of Reza shah (4186 Downloads)
a study on gods of writing in Elam and their relationship with Mesopotamian and Iranian tradition (4157 Downloads)
The Influence of Ancient Iran Trinary Functions on the Enigmas of Ayyaran Initiation Rite (4144 Downloads)
A Study on the Religious Policy of Sarbadars (737-783 A.H/ 1337-1381 A.D) Based on Coins (3981 Downloads)
Governance of Abbasid Caliphate Based on the Max Weber Theory of traditional Sovereignty (3910 Downloads)
Carpet According to Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh During Pishdadian and Kianian Dynasty (3860 Downloads)
Analysis of the Principles for Representation of Sassanian Kings Archery in Silver Plates (3768 Downloads)
Iran – Germany Cultural Relations from Safavid Era until the End of Qajar Period Reappraisal of the Published Material and an Approach to the New Documents (3697 Downloads)
Explanation of Facade Patterns in Buildings Constructed by German Architects in Iran (Pahlavi Period) (3641 Downloads)
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Guidelines of the Cultural History Quarterly for submitting articles ( 8805 view)
Editorial Board ( 4173 view)
The costs of reviewing and publishing articles ( 4083 view)
Call for Papers ( 1377 view)
welcome ( 1168 view)
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Guidelines of the Cultural History Quarterly for submitting articles ( 140 send)
welcome ( 77 send)
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Guidelines of the Cultural History Quarterly for submitting articles ( 1775 print)
Editorial Board ( 677 print)
welcome ( 659 print)
The costs of reviewing and publishing articles ( 340 print)
Call for Papers ( 109 print)
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(فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ فرهنگی)پژوهشنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ Cultural History Studies(Pejuhesh Nameh Anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh)
تکمیل فرم تعهدنامه  و امضای همه نویسندگان برای ارسال مقاله به داوری الزامی است. پس از تکمیل فرم می بایست در بخش ارسال فایل مقاله بارگذاری شود. جهت دریافت فرم این بخش را کلیک فرمایید.
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