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(فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ فرهنگی (پژوهشنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ

Cultural History Studies(Pejuhesh Nameh Anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh)


:: Latest Published Issue: Volume 15, Number 57 (Cultural History Studies 2023) ::
:: Most visited published articles in last 6 months ::
:: Call for Papers ::
 | Post date: 2023/07/26 | 
 We invite faculty members, researchers, and graduate students interested in cultural issues to write a paper on humanities and social studies including art, history, archeology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, political science, etc. for the Scientific- Research Magazine Quarterly Magazine. The editorial board would also appreciate researchers writing with a historical-cultural approach in the fields of history of science, philosophy of science, basic sciences, technical and engineering, agriculture, health, and hygiene...
This scientific-research quarterly magazine is published as the first scientific-research quarterly magazine of the Iranian History Association.
:: The costs of reviewing and publishing articles ::
 | Post date: 2022/01/23 | 
The costs of reviewing and publishing articles and the way of payment

The costs of the review and publication of articles after the approval of the Board of Directors of the Iranian History Association are as follows:
1-The cost of evaluating articles $20 
2- The final acceptance and publication cost of articles is $30, 
3- A fee would be charged for digital identifier (DOI) to the approved articles.
4-The article, should not contain exceed 6500 words.
To facilitate the payment of the costs of reviewing and publishing submitted articles, invoices will be paid through Shetab cards. The card would be activated quarterly. You may enter your page and click on the option "Full bill for Iranian users" and after checking the bill, click on the option "Pay the final fee presented in the bill with Shetab cards" and pay the bill.
:: Guidelines of the Cultural History Quarterly for submitting articles ::
It is necessary to read the rules and regulations of the quarterly magazine carefully in order to submit an article.
It must be mentioned that the process of the initial evaluation of articles is 2 months, and it takes up to 6 months for the final decision.
Please include all the information, including the university where the student studied, the author's degree and where the degree was received from, the academic rank of the professors, and the affiliated university  
Rules and regulations for acceptance of articles in the Quarterly Journal of Cultural History Studies:
Professors, researchers, and students whose articles are aligned with the subject area of the quarterly can upload their articles into the system. The article will be submitted to the editorial board and the author (authors) should follow the following criteria:
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(فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ فرهنگی)پژوهشنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ Cultural History Studies(Pejuhesh Nameh Anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh)
تکمیل فرم تعهدنامه  و امضای همه نویسندگان برای ارسال مقاله به داوری الزامی است. پس از تکمیل فرم می بایست در بخش ارسال فایل مقاله بارگذاری شود. جهت دریافت فرم این بخش را کلیک فرمایید.
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