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:: Guidelines of the Cultural History Quarterly for submitting articles ::
1. The commitment form should be completed and signed by all authors. This form should be uploaded in the "Prerequisite file for submitting the article" section.
2- Payment of the refereeing fee of the article after presenting the article in the editorial board meeting and appointing the referee: initial evaluation fee in the amount of $20 and in case of final approval of the article, the cost of printing in one of the quarterly issues of cultural history studies is $ 30.
The request for the payment of the invoice for the evaluation of the articles will be sent to the authors. Payment of the invoices is possible through the Shatab cards in the system or by depositing the amount to the Tejarat Bank account of the Iranian Association, account number; 0285409012, and uploading the image of the deposit slip in the system.
3- It is necessary to comply with the ethical code of the quarterly magazine as follows:
  1. "Cultural History Studies" quarterly is an interdisciplinary journal. Therefore, it can receive articles from various scientific fields, especially humanities, art, archeology, etc.; but the cultural history approach is preferable. 
  2.  Each of the elements and indicators involved in the definition of cultural studies (belief, methods, cultural organizations, formations, cultural changes, developments, analysis, etc.), in a historical context will be reviewed.
  3.  Problem-oriented articles that have followed the rules of writing an article with a research approach are given priority.
  4.  Translations, book reviews, and articles that lack content innovation (even if they are innovative in form and editing) are not given priority in this journal.
  5.  If in an article, the content raises the suspicion of plagiarism, the author(s) will be dealt with according to the ethical code of the journal.
 5-1: If the article is proven to be plagiarized, the responsible author must pay all the direct and indirect costs related to the article in full. At the same time, the editor can inform the responsible authorities and especially the relevant educational center about the matters to be included in the educational and research file of the authors, and carry out the necessary legal follow-ups.
5-2: If the adaptation or plagiarism causes a violation of the intellectual rights of people, the journal can pursue the issue with legal authorities.
5-3: The subject of submission can be followed regardless of the status of the article in the review stages. Accordingly, even if this is proven after the publication of an article; Quarterly journal has the right to take legal action against violators.
6: Essays extracted from a thesis or dissertation are accepted only with the names of two people (supervisor and student).
6-1: If the supervisor and the student insist on adding the advisor's name or the university rules require such a thing, the advisor will report the level of participation and effectiveness of the advisor(s) to the editorial board in a letter. In this case, the decision authority is the editorial board.
7: All authors must confirm and sign the authenticity sheet of the article. None of the people whose name is mentioned as the author in the article can avoid accepting the responsibilities that come to them according to the laws.
7-1: The journal expert is obliged to obtain the necessary letter of commitment from the authors before the final acceptance of the article and
8- The volume of the submitted articles, should not exceed 6500. If the author insists on increasing the volume for any reason.  
9- The method of citation in this quarterly is in-text. The author or authors must comply with the criteria specified in the quarterly journal according to the instructions provided.
9-1: The detailed rules related to the "citation system" are presented in the text of the article and the list of references in the appendix on this page.
10- The editorial board is free to accept and reject articles and has full authority.
In-text referencing method:
The following rules apply to references to books, scientific journal articles, encyclopedia entries, newspapers, images, maps, tables, charts, websites, and interviews:
1- The method of referring to a book, an article in a scientific journal, an encyclopedia entry, and a newspaper is the same.
2- The specification of the work must be presented in parentheses according to the standards of in-text citation. These specifications should be set in a way that easily guides the audience to the desired work. If information is provided about the work before the parentheses, the author is allowed to shorten the content of the citation inside the parentheses.
2-1: If the name of the source and the name of the author is not included in the text: the name of the source, the family name of the author or authors, the year of the work, and the page number should be placed in parentheses.
Example: Tarikh dar Tarazoo [History in the Balance] Zarin Koob, 1370 AD, 321).
2-2: If the name of the source and author is included in the text, the year of publication is placed in parentheses.
Example: Regarding travelogues, a number of books have been published, most of which introduce a summary of these works or are considered a kind of descriptive cataloging. Among these works are: Journey of Europeans to Iran by Jean Shiabani (1353).
2-3: If the author of the work or the date of writing is not known, the words "unnamed" or "unknown" can be used.
2-4: Insert page number: from right to left and from small to large.
Example: (Dehnavi, 1346, 298-295)
3- If a direct quotation is mentioned in the text;  The full text of the referenced phrase is placed in quotation marks.
Example: "Legends in the common language of people are usually traditional stories that have a historical and semi-historical basis" (Ismail pour, 1377, 35).
4- If the reference is to several works by the same author; References should be listed in chronological order.
  Example: Wiedengren (1959, 1961, 1967, 1970, 1983) studied the cultural aspects of Iranian history during the Sassanid period for more than three decades.
5- In reference to several works by the same author that were published in one year; After entering the publication date of each work, the letters Abjad are used for Persian and Arabic sources and a, b, c for Latin sources.
Example: Shahbazi's researches about the historiography of Iranians in the Sassanid period (a1990) include various aspects of Iranian historiography.
6- If the number of authors is two, their names should be mentioned in the order of their historical period.
Example: Losing Alexandria was considered a bitter defeat for Byzantium (Winter and Dignas, 1978, 100).
6-1: If the number of authors of the cited work is more than three, it is enough to mention the name of the first author according to the date of the work, and then use the et.al.
Example: It is not easily possible to determine the exact time of governors' rule due to the difference in historical sources.   (Qolizadeh et al., 1396, 81).
7- It is necessary to insert images, figures, maps, tables, and charts to the sources.
Example: (Tong with handles of the 7th-8th centuries AD, Girshman, (1390), 238, No. 291 A).
8- The use of signs must be in accordance with the standard guidelines and principles of journal magazine editing rules.
9- The number of words in the article, should not exceed 6500 words (sources are not included)
The method of setting the list of sources:
1- In setting up the list of references, the full details of the work should be mentioned – Family name, first name, date of publication, name of the work, name of translator or proofreader, place of publication, and name of the publication.
1-1: If the author of the work, the date of writing, or the place of publication is not known, the words "unnamed", and "unplaced" are used respectively.
Example: Ashpoler, B, (1369). The history of Iran in the early Islamic centuries, translated by Javad Flatouri.Tehran: Scientific and Cultural Publications.
1-2: It is not necessary to mention the pages of the book.
2-2: In online articles, it is necessary to mention the author's family name, first name, (year of publication), "article title", website title, website address, and access date.
Example: Fukuhi, Nasser, (2019), "Historical convergence with the great cultural heritage of social thought", Anthropology and Culture, available at:
https://anthropology andculture.com
/%d9%87%d9%85%da%af%d8%b1%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%8a-%d8%aa%d8%a7%d8%b1% d9%8a%d8%ae%d9%8a-%d8%a8%d8%a7-%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%ab-%d8%a8%d8%b2 %d8%b1%da%af-%d9%81%d8%b1%d9%87%d9%86%da%af%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%86 (Downloaded: 8 September 2020).
3- When mentioning encyclopedia entries, it is necessary to mention the family and first name of the author, the date of publication, the title of the entry, and the name of the encyclopedia.
Example: Bahrami, Askar, (1381), Bakhtiari, the great Islamic encyclopedia.
4- Regarding electronic books (E-Books), it is necessary to mention the author's family name, first name, (year), book title in italics, place of publication, publisher, download link, and access date.
 Example: Robinson, C. F. (2004). Empire and Elites after the Muslim Conquest: The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available at: https://books.google.ae/books?id=iYlSHyDWUtQC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (Downloaded: 17 June 2015)
5: In the interviews section, it is necessary to mention the interviewee's name, interview year, interview title (italics), interviewer's name, and day and month of the interview.
Example: Boiri, Falaknaz, (2018), Bakhtiari legends, interview with Shamsuddin Razavi, Mehr 8.
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(فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ فرهنگی)پژوهشنامه انجمن ایرانی تاریخ Cultural History Studies(Pejuhesh Nameh Anjoman-e Iraniye Tarikh)
تکمیل فرم تعهدنامه  و امضای همه نویسندگان برای ارسال مقاله به داوری الزامی است. پس از تکمیل فرم می بایست در بخش ارسال فایل مقاله بارگذاری شود. جهت دریافت فرم این بخش را کلیک فرمایید.
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