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:: Volume 14, Issue 54 (Cultural History Studies 2023) ::
CHS 2023, 14(54): 61-86 Back to browse issues page
Social Developments of the Iron Age and the Origin of the Myth of Kava Ahangar
Toufiq Hosseini *
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran , t.hosseini@alzahra.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1704 Views)
The legend of Kava Ahangar tells the story of a blacksmith who rushes to the help of the mythical warrior Fereydon and defeats the demonic kingdom named Zahhak and disappears. There were many discussions about the origin of this myth for a long time; to the extent that some researchers thought that this mythological narrative was added to the text of the main myth of the battle with the dragon. With the expansion of the knowledge of comparative mythology, similar mythological narratives of Indo-European were investigated and the essence of the blacksmith's narrative was recovered with the help of a mythological hero in the battle with the dragon. This narrative similarity as well as lexical etymology confirmed the ancient origin of this myth, which seems that iron weapons were added to the legend of the battle with the dragon in the Iron Age. Based on this, this research investigates the impact of the Iron Age developments on the origin of the myth of Kava Ahangar. In this article, with the descriptive-analytical method and the analysis of the mythological texts of Indo-European peoples and other nations, the author argues that the myth of Kava Ahangar is an ancient narrative of the evolution of the battle of the storm god with the drought dragon, which was in the Iron Age. A social and ritual has occurred in many ancient tribes and nations, during which the blacksmith helps the storm gods in the battle with the dragon by making an iron weapon.
Keywords: Blacksmith, Storm gods, battle with dragons, Iron Age, Ahangar, Fereydun, Zahhak
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review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/08/20 | Accepted: 2023/01/18 | Published: 2023/01/18
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Hosseini T. Social Developments of the Iron Age and the Origin of the Myth of Kava Ahangar. CHS 2023; 14 (54) :61-86
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1516-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 54 (Cultural History Studies 2023) Back to browse issues page
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