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:: Volume 4, Issue 15 (Cultural History Studies 2013) ::
CHS 2013, 4(15): 1-17 Back to browse issues page
The End of Kassites’ Rule and its Causes
Amir Alinia * 1, Mohamad tahgi Imanpour2
1- payam noor , amir_alinia@ymail.com
2- ferdowsi
Abstract:   (6973 Views)
The long - lasting Kassites reign, as an influential government in the west Asia, was the most stable empire in the history of Ancient Babylon. Their entry into the Mesopotamia resulted to the establishment of a five hundred and seventy six years rule. Evidence from ancient Egypt represents the international power and influence of the Kassites during their rule over Babylon. But because of numerous internal problems and events which occurred in the scene of ancient west Asia, their rule declined. By the weakness of the Kassites rule, especially during Keshtiliash the forth (1235-1242 BC) which their power decreased to its lowest level, they were caught between two powerful opponents: Assyria and Elam. Their wars with Assyria and the Assyrian expeditions to their territory weakened the Kassites’ military force. So their long rule over Mesopotamia was ended by the Elamites. In this paper authors tried to study the internal and external causes which resulted to the collapse of their rule around 1157 BC by using ancient sources and recent researches with applying the historical research method.
Keywords: Kassites’ Rule, Collapse, Mesopotamia, West Asia, Zagros Mountains.
Full-Text [PDF 190 kb] [English Abstract]   (1394 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/05/31 | Accepted: 2013/12/21 | Published: 2014/10/25
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alinia A, imanpour M T. The End of Kassites’ Rule and its Causes. CHS 2013; 4 (15) :1-17
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-54-en.html

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