Rey, during Islamic period, unlike its neighboring city, Qom, benefited from thought and religious diversity and the Shiites (Imami, Zaidi, Ismaili) and Hanafis, with different trends of thought such as Mu'tazili, Kallabi, Jahmi, etc, succeeded to achieve considerable progress in different fields in this city. After the changes occurred in Rey, this city became the center of attention and the migration destination of scholars such as Abū Rayhān Bīrūnī, Qazi Abdul Jabbar Mu'tazili and figures from Babouyeh Family, who benefited from the scientific and cultural facilities that had been gathered in the city. The main problem of this paper is about the factors which led to achieve the noted progress for Shiites in various fields.
In this paper and after surveying the sources, the result show that Shiites’ peaceful approach in social interactions with other religions and sects of Rey, allow them the opportunity to play an active role and on the other hand, the efforts of the Buyids to support Shiites were another significant factor of this progress.
mirzaei Z. Influential Factors in the Social, Cultural and Scientific Progress of the Shiites of Rey during Āl-e Buye Period. CHS 2013; 4 (15) :109-127 URL:
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