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:: Volume 4, Issue 15 (Cultural History Studies 2013) ::
CHS 2013, 4(15): 87-108 Back to browse issues page
An Outlook to the Administrative Geography of Pars Province during Sassanid Period
Jahanpour Gholami * 1, Yadolah Heydari babakamal2 , Maryam Shadab far3
1- University of Tehran , J.Gholami@ut.ac.ir
2- University of Bu Ali Sina
3- University of Tehran
Abstract:   (8576 Views)
The present study is one of the first attempts to clarify the status of the administrative geography of the Pars province during Sassanid Period. Pars province not only was the Sassanid religious and political center, also it was one the strategic and important administrative regions of the Sassanian Empire. In addition to primary historical texts and the Sassanid Pahlavi inscriptions, the early Islamic centuries’ geographers also presented descriptions of administrative divisions of the Pars province. With this approach it is somewhat possible to reconstruct an image of the Pars administrative system as a subset of the administrative system of the Sassanian Territory. The result of this research show that the Pars province had has an organized administration according to the empire administrative divisions with Hierarchical structure. Each of administrative units of this organized system, according to the geographical range and political function, had has a degree of importance and were governed under supervision of a specific official. In this research to achieve reliable and consistent results, in addition to use documentary historical research, primary historical sources have been used.
Keywords: Pars Province, Sassanid Period, Administrative System, Kust
Full-Text [PDF 219 kb] [English Abstract]   (1500 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/04/7 | Accepted: 2014/08/12 | Published: 2014/10/25
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Gholami J, heydari babakamal Y, Shadab far M. An Outlook to the Administrative Geography of Pars Province during Sassanid Period. CHS 2013; 4 (15) :87-108
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-43-en.html

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