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:: Volume 14, Issue 54 (Cultural History Studies 2023) ::
CHS 2023, 14(54): 87-115 Back to browse issues page
Educational Programs for Iranian High School Girls and its Effect on Students' Skill Improvement (1343-1353 Ah)
Somayeh Abbasi1 , Shahla Bakhtiyari * 2
1- Graduated in Iranian history from Tarbiat Modares University , Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor and faculty member of Alzahra University history, Tehran, Iran , sh.bakhtiari@alzahra.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1858 Views)
Women’s education is one of the important elements since the time of constitutionalism. The lack of suitable educational facilities was one of the obstacles to the realization of the widespread interest in higher education among girls. Karim Fatemi, one of the educational directors of the second Pahlavi era, knowing the cultural roots of obstacles of the aforementioned problem, realized the importance of girls' high schools in 1343 and designed the educational programs of the school in compliance with the country's educational laws. His effort was to design and launch courses that train specialized skills that will be made students ready for employment opportunities. In this research, using the descriptive-analytical approach, we have analyzed the possible effect of the educational programs of the seven majors and extracurriculars of these schools in improving the students' skills until 1353. The scoring of students entering university, as well as the demand for interns from many institutions, shows the positive effect of the course headings of the programs and extra programs in changing the cultural atmosphere of society regarding the education of women and the use of their specialized capabilities.
Keywords: Girls' High School, Alzahra University, women, skill development, educational programs, Karim Fatemi
Full-Text [PDF 8377 kb]   (252 Downloads)    
review paper: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/09/12 | Accepted: 2023/01/18 | Published: 2023/01/18
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Abbasi S, Bakhtiyari S. Educational Programs for Iranian High School Girls and its Effect on Students' Skill Improvement (1343-1353 Ah). CHS 2023; 14 (54) :87-115
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1523-en.html

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