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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (Cultural History Studies 2021) ::
CHS 2021, 12(47): 1-37 Back to browse issues page
Typology of Tomb Architecture During the Parthian Period
Abstract:   (2809 Views)
Typology of Tomb Architecture During the Parthian Period
Frzaneh Sobhani[1]
Abbas Ali Rezainia[2]
According to archeological sources, there was religious diversity in the Parthian period. The Parthian kingdom made it possible for various religious followers to practice their religious rites and ceremonies freely throughout Parthian empire. As a result, due to the various ethnic and religious groups, different methods were created in the construction of tomb buildings. The construction of the tomb as a kind of memorial structural design has always attracted the attention of the elite of the society. Burial buildings were a reflection of the power of the deceased in the political, religious, economic and social structures of society. This type of building has always been respected and sanctified by the people, and through its connection with the identity roots of the society, it led to the formation and development of the architectural traditions of the tomb throughout history.
The purpose of this article is to understand the architectural style of Parthian tombs in terms of structure, decoration, typology of tomb architecture of this period and finally, to understand the innovation and continuity of cultural and artistic traditions in the construction of tombs. The authors use the descriptive-analytical method of Parthian tomb buildings. They argue that in the Parthian empire, the construction can be into two types based on physical characteristics (crypt) and man-made (construction). The architectural style of Parthian tombs shows the continuity of the tomb architectural traditions of this period.
Parthian Empire, Tomb Architecture, Typology, Architectural Traditions, Monuments
[1]. MA in Archeology, University of Kashan, farzaneh2004_1382@yahoo.com
[2] . Assistant Professor of Archeology, University of Kashan  rezaeinia@kashanu.ac.ir
Article number: 4
Keywords: Arsacid kingdom, Tomb architecture, Typology, Architectural traditions, Monuments
Full-Text [PDF 991 kb]   (12870 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/09/4 | Accepted: 2021/05/31 | Published: 2021/05/31
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Typology of Tomb Architecture During the Parthian Period. CHS 2021; 12 (47) : 4
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