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:: Volume 11, Issue 44 (Cultural History Studies 2020) ::
CHS 2020, 11(44): 105-81 Back to browse issues page
An Introduction to Customary Politics in Medieval Iran Books of Advice (Andarz Nāma-hā): A Case Study of Qabūs-Nāma
Abstract:   (3454 Views)
In the popular view of the medieval letters, the reconstruction of Shah Armanichr('39')s thought is considered, but in most of the outstanding works of this intellectual tradition, there are signs of a break from the concept of Farreh Izadi and the tendency to a conventional view of politics and government. Hence, the analysis of prominent medieval letters of advice from the perspective of political thought can be the prelude to a modern interpretation of the tradition of advice. Political thought is a rational reflection on the method of production and distribution of power in the context of Medina and provides a framework of the relationship between judgment and obedience. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to extract the categories related to the concepts of judgment and obedience from the text of Qaboosnameh of Amir Ansar al-Machr('39')ali Kikavous Ibn Iskander Ibn Qaboos Ibn Vashmigir Ibn Ziar with special emphasis on the forty-second chapter and analyze them from this perspective to understand the dimensions of Qaboosnameh political thought; A letter of advice that comprehensively and practically expresses the right way to behave in life. The findings of the study indicate that the supreme element casts doubt on the most important part of the ancientschr('39') discourse on politics, namely the divine election and providence of kings, and on a practical and customary basis considers the management of affairs as a factor in the stability of government.
Keywords: Qabūs-Nāma, Customary Politics, Politics Profession, ‘Onṣor-al-Ma‘ālī.
Full-Text [PDF 393 kb]   (540 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/07/8 | Accepted: 2020/09/10 | Published: 2020/09/10
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An Introduction to Customary Politics in Medieval Iran Books of Advice (Andarz Nāma-hā): A Case Study of Qabūs-Nāma. CHS 2020; 11 (44) :105-81
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1335-en.html

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