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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (Cultural History Studies 2021) ::
CHS 2021, 12(47): 95-129 Back to browse issues page
Sabean Mandaee clothes
Tahereh Azimzade tehrani1 , Tahere Azimzadeh * 2
1- Ph.D student of History and Civilization of Islamic countries, Azad University in Mashhad, Iran
2- .Associate Professor, History and Civilization of Islamic countries, Azad University in Mashhad, Iran , ta_azim@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3474 Views)
Sabean Mandaee clothes
Clothing, as one of the manifestations of culture and civilization, and has a special role in studying ethnic groups. The Sabean Mandaeans are among the religious minorities who have long lived in the province of Khuzestan and near rivers.  Some research focusing on religious ceremonies, script and language, customs and how these people migrated to Mesopotamia is done. However, Sabean clothing, which reflects their national and religious values have not paid enough scholarly attention. This study will investigate Mandaean men and women's clothing investigate, based on historical evidence, oral history and face-to-face interviews and using of analytical approach.
    Studies show that the Mandaeans were subject to the culture of the society in their daily and ordinary life. In their religious ceremonies, they used to wear an especial dress called "rasta" and they have continued up to now wearing it in the same way as before. The dress consists of five parts: "Barzanqa", "Sudra", "Nasifa", "Hemianeh" and "Sharvara", each of which has its application and meaning. It is equally necessary for men and women to wear this white uniform during the Sabean ceremony.
Keywords: Sabeans, Mandaeans, clothing, Khuzestan, Qajar
Article number: 1
Keywords: Sabeans, Mandaeans, clothing, Khuzestan, Qajar
Full-Text [PDF 2244 kb]   (1262 Downloads)    
review paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/05/27 | Accepted: 2021/05/31 | Published: 2021/05/31
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azimzade tehrani T, Azimzadeh T. Sabean Mandaee clothes. CHS 2021; 12 (47) : 1
URL: http://chistorys.ir/article-1-1321-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 47 (Cultural History Studies 2021) Back to browse issues page
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